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Jack Hill



Times photographer Jack Hill won the coveted Picture Editors’ Guild award for Photo Essay of the Year 2013 for his work in Syria. Here Jack talks about his awards, working in a war-zone and his decade at The Times.

You have recently won two top photographic awards. What does it mean to be recognised by your peers?

The awards I have won recently are two of the country’s most prestigious photographic awards for news photographers/photojournalism and it is a great honour to be thought of so highly by my peers.

The judges in both competitions are some of the big names in the business and the other competitors’ work was of a very high standard. I have also been lucky that the picture desk and editor have backed me on the assignments that put me in a place to take some of the award-winning photos.

How do you cope with the ever-present danger of taking pictures in a war zone?

There are different ways of operating in war zones. I tend to rely on my wits and the team around, particularly local people we may use as drivers and fixers/translators. We go on training courses but nothing is as good as first-hand experience.

You have been taking pictures for The Times for the past decade. How have technology developments during that time affected you?

In the ten years I have been working for The Times, I have been shooting digitally and sending pictures back remotely, either using a satellite phone or as wifi has become more widespread, using that.

The set-up is roughly the same as when I first started using digital, just that everything has got better – the cameras (file sizes, picture quality, build and shooting speed) and the laptops (bigger memory and processors).