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Deidre Sanders

Agony Aunt


Dear Deidre, aka Deidre Sanders, has been The Sun’s agony aunt for the past 35 years, and her column is legendary.

In that time, she has helped six million people with a wide variety of problems from incest to loneliness.

Every one has received a reply from Deidre with her Bedfordshire-based team of assistants. And, YES, the letters used in The Sun are all real.

Dealing with an orgasm advice leaflet/bingo card mix-up did provide 70-year-old mum and grandmother Deidre with a lighter moment during her illustrious career, but the nature of her problem-solving skills has changed with the technology boom.

Here, Deidre talks about her career helping others.

DEIDRE SANDERS AND HER TEAM Margaret Eaton, Yvonne Hammond, Deidre, Patricia Godfrey, Sandra Gaylor and Cath Thomas. Picture Arthur Edwards

How did you become the nation’s favourite agony aunt?

I’ve always been a journalist, ever since starting out at my student newspaper.

But the job really found me. I started out at The Daily Star and got head hunted by The Sun to write my Dear Deidre column.

I’ve always been interested in what makes people tick, why some relationships work and others don’t, and as we grow up how we tend to re-enact things from our earlier years.

Do you see yourself predominantly as a journalist or a counsellor?

I ride both the journalist and counsellor horses. You must be a strong journalist to get the story across. An intriguing counselling problem must also be a good read that attracts the reader.

How do you manage to help so many people?

I have seven counselling-trained assistants helping me answer all the emails, letters and private messages on Facebook, plus sending out hundreds of thousands of leaflets and keeping the information in them up-to-date, making sure the right information goes to the right person, keeping track of all the correspondence so that we can follow up cases when necessary, and checking all the information in the column.  We have a system of sending a follow-up email or  letter after a month or so to anyone who sounds seriously distressed to check how they’re doing.  In fact there are endless crucial tasks which form the backbone of the service – largely unseen by outsiders but vital.

Are all your letters real?

“Now go on, admit it, all those letters aren’t real, are they?” For over three decades I’ve heard that question in the backs of taxis, over countless dinner tables, even when laid up in hospital.  The answer is Yes, they are all real.  There are many times when life would be a lot simpler if I could make them all up – but who could invent such a rich pageant of human life?

Since I became agony aunt in 1980, more than six million people have contacted me with their problems.

What is the funniest moment of your career?

Our worst snarl-up really was not our fault.  Through some editorial mix-up, the box on my column which tells readers at which address to write to me, was omitted.  As it happened in that week’s column was a thank-you letter from a reader who had experienced sexual satisfaction for the first time ever in 16 years of marriage, thanks, she said, to the advice she had found in my leaflet called Women and Orgasm.

She was thrilled and literally thousands of Sun readers wrote in asking for a copy of the leaflet.  Only of course there was no box on the column telling them where to write, so they thumbed through the paper until they found an address, which happened to be of the office just down the road from our main editorial office from which they sent out the bingo cards, and they sent their stamped addressed envelopes there. Of course, we didn’t know what happened until a couple of weeks later when I got all these letters in from readers complaining, “I sent for your leaflet on orgasm, and you sent me a bingo card.  What on earth am I supposed to do with that?”

How has your professional advice changed over your career?

These are shifting times in which we live. The basic advice stays the same, but certain issues have really developed, for example attitudes around the issue of transgender. It is now generally a more understanding environment with better help available. I have shifted how I feel about transgender children who can have a tough time as they reach puberty.  My understanding has increased in line with the changing advice of those treating these children.

Do you see a change in the types of letters you have received over the past 30 years?

I started as The Sun’s agony aunt in 1980 and the country was a very different place. The biggest changes in my working life are related to the development of the internet and social media. Many problems are now related to sexting, people texting and getting caught with a secret phone and Facebook stalking. People now live so much of their lives through the internet that ideas about sex have been influenced through pornography. An 11 year old has written to me about his internet porn addiction. It is desperately sad for teenagers who often, because of porn, don’t have a clue about what makes for good sex in real life!

What does the future hold for agony aunts?

Lots of problems – in the right way. Nowadays people can Google answers but it’s not the same as getting an opinion from someone they trust, and I’m a known commodity at The Sun.

But agony aunts must stay on top of technology. Aswell as responding to letters and emails, I also respond to reader’s questions in private messages on Facebook, aiming for a 24-hour turnaround for all questions.

What is your best advice for a happy life?

My top advice would be to be kind to yourself. We all tend to be so critical and judge ourselves but if you are kind to yourself then you will have the judgement and resources to be kind to others.

KNEES UP Deidre with her happy team. Picture Arthur Edwards